Pine Siskin
Carduelis pinus
Synopsis: Breeds throughout the state, mainly in coniferous and mixed woods. Most notable are the records from northern and eastern Lake, southern Harney, and Malheur Counties.

Habitat Associations:
Sitka Spruce-W. Hemlock Maritime Forest (239701 acres)
Mountain Hemlock Montane Forest (331694 acres)
True Fir-Hemlock Montane Forest (1590158 acres)
Shasta Red Fir-Mountain Hemlock Forest (54084 acres)
Whitebark-Lodgepole Pine Montane Forest (1323 acres)
Ponderosa Pine-dominant Mixed Conifer Forest (423009 acres)
Northeast Mixed Conifer Forest (3066141 acres)
Lodgepole Pine Forest/Woodland (250769 acres)
Subalpine Fir-Lodgepole Pine Montane Conifer (714255 acres)
Douglas Fir-W. Hemlock-W. Red Cedar Forest (6020709 acres)
Douglas Fir-Port Orford Cedar Forest (69822 acres)
Douglas Fir-Mixed Deciduous Forest (1453 acres)
Douglas Fir-White Fir/Tanoak-Madrone Mixed Forest (1024847 acres)
Douglas Fir/White Oak Forest (185584 acres)
Ponderosa Pine Forest/Woodland (4514953 acres)
Douglas Fir dominant - Mixed Conifer Forest (2213173 acres)
Ponderosa-Lodgepole Pine on Pumice (1456622 acres)
Mixed Conifer/Mixed Deciduous Forest (1196698 acres)
Mountain Mahogany Shrubland (1378 acres)
Grassland & Fir-Ponderosa Interspersed (381790 acres)
Subalpine Scattered Trees & Shrubs (76261 acres)
Jeffery Pine Forest/Woodland (53479 acres)
Coastal Lodgepole Forest (219 acres)
Ponderosa Pine-W. Juniper Woodland (157995 acres)
W. Juniper Woodland (2559678 acres)
Aspen Groves (22102 acres)
Edges of Recently Cutover/Burnt Forest (1607937 acres)
Urban/Residential (549679 acres)
Lake/Pond Shoreline & Islands (466669 acres)
Western Oregon Riverine Woodland (22244 acres)
Streamside/Wetland Shrubland (2171 acres)
Red Alder (94648 acres)
Siskiyou Mtns Mixed Deciduous Forest (154167 acres)
South coast Mixed Forest (1826 acres)
Manzanita-dominant Shrubland (15439 acres)

Relative Detectability: Easy to detect by sight and song, but fairly difficult to confirm breeding.

Challenge: Confirm nesting of the species at the geographic locations mentioned as notable above.